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Company News

November 30, 2021

EPC Announces Organizational Transitions

Executive Personal Computers, Inc. (“EPC”), a subsidiary of CSI Leasing, Inc. and one of the world’s largest IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, has recently announced several executive transitions and promotions throughout the organization that will take effect on January 1,
October 19, 2021

EPC Adds Certifications in Europe

EPC, Inc. (EPC), a subsidiary of CSI Leasing, Inc. (CSI) and one of the world’s largest IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, has recently announced that its ITAD affiliates in the UK and Slovakia (EPC Global Solutions UK Limited and EPC
June 08, 2021

EPC, Inc. Introduces Solid-State Drive (SSD) Destruction Services

EPC, Inc., one of the world’s largest IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, recently expanded its comprehensive data destruction services to include on-site, National Security Agency (NSA)-compliant SSD disintegration. SSD data storage creates a greater risk for improper destruction practices due
February 25, 2021

EPC Expands, Rebrands and Aligns Global ITAD Markets

EPC, Inc., a subsidiary of CSI Leasing, Inc. and one of the world’s largest IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, has recently expanded operations in South America and rebranded sister facilities in Europe in order to enhance and align its global
December 16, 2020

EPC, Inc. Expands Box Program to Give COVID-19 Relief

EPC, Inc., one of the world’s largest global IT asset disposition (ITAD) providers, has recently expanded our IT disposal program aimed to help organizations experiencing a transitional workforce due to COVID-19. With many employees now working from home or remotely